Feb 8, 2023
3:11 chasing balloons around the desert. Was this a peyote thing?
7:50 Mars like terrain
10:02 Is the Earth really flat?
13:08 people thought I was a traitor, because I'd worked with the Soviets so nobody would hire me
15:39 the only thing I've really ever known for sure I wanted to do in life was race cars.
17:02 spying on American citizens
19:51 SpaceX and Elon Musk
29:44 What the fuck do you think that idiot savant is up to?
41:09 New space
49:53 Phantom space
55:02 "...45km is going to come back within five years... 800 km... you're talking about 100 year lifetime
56:50 reentering and crashing
58:10 Space tourism
1:00:38 I want to get into TransAm